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If the title for a post is long, try cleaning up the permalink. For instance, “Ten Ways Smart Parents Can Tame Their Children” would come across as a cumbersome, long URL. Use just your keywords and improve your search engine rankings.

TIP! If your post has a lengthy title, make sure to adjust the permalink. For instance, “101 Ways for Smart People to Manage Their Children” is way too long for a URL.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with all the tools and options available to you when blogging with WordPress. For instance, clicking on the visible Kitchen Sink button can offer more choices for formatting posts to make them more unique. There is also a Screen Options tab located on the admin pages of your site. It is possible to control a number of formatting elements with this.

Be sure to make use of Title and Alt. This allows you to add words to your images. These can help you add more SEO descriptions to pages, which lets those viewers that don’t wish to see images know what the images are.

Learn what you need to know before you begin. The more you plan, the better your results will be. Discover all you can about SEO and how to build smart content with WordPress.

TIP! Put in some time to get to know all of WordPress’ bells and whistles. For example, if there’s a Kitchen Sink button you click, you’ll be able to get a bunch of other choices that allow you to format and import what you want so posts can be unique.

When you are ready to start posting, create a schedule. A schedule helps you keep your eye on the deadline; so as the deadline approaches, it may give you more incentive to write that piece. In fact, you can sit down one day and create posts for the rest of the week, then you can use the schedule feature to have WP upload the posts for you.

Remove unnecessary content and delete comments that fail to add value. You want to make your site as user-friendly as possible. Akismet is a great plugin that you can include that will help you to filter out the daily spam on your site.

Do many people leave comments on your posts? If so, weeding through all the comments may be difficult for you and for other visitors. Include a plugin which will add numbers to the pages in this section. That way, navigation will be simpler, and your site is sure to be well organized.

TIP! Make sure you learn everything you can prior to installing WordPress. The more prepared you are, the simpler the process of setting up your page will be.

Create a suitable greeting and heading at the very top of your home page on your site. That makes for a better connection with visitors, since you will be able to personalize a message. It personalizes the experience. Use WP Greet Box to do this.

You shouldn’t pick a username such as “admin”. Words like “admin” or “administrator” often attract malicious bots who are seeking security breaches. This causes your blog to be at a security risk. Look at your users page and delete any usernames that are “admin” or “administrator”. Then, choose a different name.

Security is of the utmost importance in WordPress, so never share your password. Before installing plugins, make sure to read reviews. If your site gets hacked or has malware, you can lose everything you have worked so hard on.

TIP! If you’re serious about keeping up with your blog, make a posting schedule for yourself. You will feel motivated to post regularly if you have a good schedule.

Whether you read blogs, write blogs or just like to post on them, WordPress can help you. You will be better off once you gather more information about the program. Whenever you get involved in blogging in the future, remember what you learned here.